Authentic Compassion

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Clearing out cupboards

Sometime I get a picture which for some reason seems too good to delete. Problem comes for me when the picture has no good purpose in my blogging. I'm all about good purposes, also about good intentions. the bad part about good intentions is they are the paving materials for a road to hades-or so somebody started that old wives tale (which is a rabbit trail I prefer not to pursue - aren't you glad?).
All that said - I wanted to publish these pictures whether they were purposeful or not. I appreciate greatly the gate latch. DH found latches for our pasture gates which meet all the needs of being animal proof, people friendly and not requiring a key to carry around while we are on the property. The red latch thing meets all the requirements. How cool is that?

Next is the floating trough defroster - it keeps a water supply open so the animals never have to go without access to water due to ice. Also gives the fish we have in the trough a fighting chance to survive even prolonged cold spells.

The little dog is our Conan the Destroyer - he has the heart of a Cowardly Lion but is so sweet and occasionally poses like a Big Dog.
Final shot is the beautiful sky,only what the camera caught - not changed by any software. Isn't that amazing? I take a lot of pictures here in Buhlaland and it is fun just to show a little of what is every day to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)