Authentic Compassion

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Depends on how close you are

From a distance - fall colors look like sweeps of color, groupings of identically shaded leaves.

But really close - you see the individual leaves of varying shades and shapes. Each is beautifully and intricately made.

Life can be like that - you see someone else's life and it looks so good or not good from a distance. Get up close and you'll see the veins and shapes and colors. Sometimes it will be a good thing - you'll get to know someone and form a connection. Others will be a disappointment, something looking so good from afar looks quite unreliable or phony up close.
I'm posting this about people, elections and trees. We try to look closely, not just see the blur of colors but really understand how a tree is up close. Some people and issues are not going to survive looking closely at them. Others will become even more precious - here on Buhlaland it is usually good when we can get close. I think in America - not so much right now - too many things won't survive real inspection. Trust you all voted and prayed. No matter what happens - look closely at things you usually hurry through or past - it all matters.
Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

2 comments: said...

How beautiful!!!

I voted and we are praying for a solid victory!


KathyB. said...

Amen, God is in control and because of Him we need know no fear ! Praise Him !Thank-you for posts that help me keep things in perspective !Eternal perspective !