Went out this morning to let goats outof their pen and look who decided to hang around very cautiously for a short visit. We are pretty sure the doe is same one who showed up here last year with a severely injured left front leg (and a fawn) - appears she has given birth in a stand of trees in back pasture . Healthy and cautious - big ears and makes my heart just pitter pat - God made so many wonderful creations - but baby critters are close to the best!
It is Great on Buhlaland to have dear deer.
They most certainly are pretty stinkin' close to the best of everything. Baby stuff, fluffy stuff, blooming stuff, sproutin' stuff, all the best of the best! I say, nice capture!
Isn't it so wonderful to have visitors like that? We have one who walks the fencerow every evening... she has become such a regular around here that even the sheep aren't afraid of her anymore.. it's so amazing to watch! You're sooo right, dear friend- God is so amazing, and babies are the best!
Makes me want to park a lawn chair out there and watch all day. Shade, beauty, interesting animals...
LindaSue, you always seem so very grateful for what God has placed in your life and I love that about you.
I especially appreciate the comment you made regarding my dove post, and I may quote you in another posting. So "right on", thank-you.
Sweet Prince and fawn.
I have such a soft heart for everything that lives in nature, all animals. I can see where you would be fond of Fawn, and especially that beautiful baby. Tugs at the heart just a tad, doesn't it?
Hi Linda, I'm afraid I am behind on your posts - is there a way to "follow" your blog? I love the sweet pictures of the deer. They are so beautiful and it's just magical to see them. Some days we get a glimpse of a few at the creek getting a drink of water. Hope you are doing ok other than the hot weather.
Hi Linda Sue - those are beautiful deer. How nice it would be to see them so often - looks like you and Skip DO have visitors from time to time! I'm so glad Skip's doing well!
I haven't seen a baby fawn like that one in a while. You got some good pictures of it. We've been seeing lots of deer lately in the middle of the day behind our house. Wonder what's up with them?
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