So often here on Buhlaland we show you our goats or dogs or flowers and wanted to share some of our frequent visitors. . Fox, rabbits, deer (very pregnant deer), Senor BlueJay (a loud fellow - always screeching) and a bird we've tenatively identified as a Phoebe. We're calling the Phoebes The FranticFamily - nesting in cover tractor parking next to the workshop/barn and they have a total hissy fit whenever we walk by . Large and beautiful moth was on our back porch one evening and yep - a pesky fluffy tailed rat - also known as a squirrel.
Day to day for us is a little like living in a pinball machine - bouncing off some high point barriers but also going in the gutter with no points for some actions. Learning that when I am waiting for a big change I'm not always productive. Learning to look for little things - the daily indicators of walking as instructed in Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Listen for the Whisper, that's the lesson right now - no burning bush or earthquake (I hope) but a whisper
1 Kings 19: 11 The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by."
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?"
Good pictures and a great message. Thanks, Linda.
You certainly do have a time with that spacing. Wish I lived closer...I'd come and take a look at it for you!
Word verification: snortma
Ahh your pictures are delightful and enchanting, sorry blogger messes with your spacing of them.
The words you have here for us today stir. Isaiah thirty is a powerful piece and for us to heed what we hear in our ears and know as His voice, that is what we must attend to, yes? Amen!
That Blogger, he has a mind of his own! You have so many interesting visitors to Buhl-a-land Linda Sue!Thre Frantic Family sound like they could be very irritating, good thing little phoebes grow quickly. Do they raise more than one clutch a year?
Very funny, "pesky fluffy tailed rat" as a moniker for a squirrel!
The whisper, yes! Life is day by day listening to the whisper and not expecting all God's communication and interaction with us to be earth-shaking. The whisper, I like that very much! Thank-you~
What an interesting looks as those it might have eyes on its wings.
Whisper -- oh, yes!
What beautiful pictures, Linda Sue... and the squirrel cracked me up. We have seen some new critters around here this year- we have lots of little frogs hopping around and some purple martins have decided the barn loft is a good place to raise a family. Good to see all the lovely creatures at Buhl-a-land, too!
Beautiful pictures you have shared today. It seems when I am out in the yard quietly enjoying God's bounty of blessings, I can think better and often hear the whisper. Hope you enjoy the afternoon.
Hi Linda, love your message today, and the verses. You're certainly right about listening for the whisper. Sometimes we expect answers to come in BIG ways, but it's in the whispers. It's good that you and Skip have a quiet place to listen and cute little visitors to keep you company. Good photos, lady!
Linda, I always think of that scripture during storms. I think that's when I listen closer and more intently for God's voice. As far the spacing problem, we all battle with something in our efforts to reach perfection! :) You're doing just fine.
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