I'm seeking counsel from all you well organized, plan makin', list keepin' folks. How did you get started making menus? How rigid are you about eat this now? Please keep in mind - there are just two of us in the house, I can cook anything, won't eat liver or snails (yes I've tried them) and need to lose some weight. Picky gal aren't I?
Now we're through pretending I'm a grown up - we can go on to more interesting topics. Yes I had a lovely birthday - our dear friends once again decorated the front gate ala last year's surprise . DH took the afternoon off and we went into FW. Did some Costco shopping and picked up prepared food at Central Market and came home to a luscious dinner. Still discussing what to do about next dog. We got excited about puppies we found online at a rescue place only to discover two unpleasant facts - it wasn't really a rescue more of a front to sell expensive dogs and evidently real human people pay $900 for a puppy! Holy moley - I understand there are costs in raising puppies but I am sure most countries in the world raise CHILDREN on less than $900 for their first two months of life. Still researching and discussing. Without my dear tiny MIL in our household anymore (yes we miss her terribly) we want a large dog (couldn't have a big dog due to stairs and canine exuberance being a bad potential for injury)- perhaps a Catahoula. We are planning to see a litter of catahoulas (DH has had one before) next Saturday the 28th - praying for clear guidance from the Lord about what to add to our family. (No children means our 4 legged companions ARE family).
Today might be the day DH is done with cabinetry project he has worked on for so long. Bless his heart the list of projects around here keeps growing. I am interested in keeping egg laying, fertilizer making chickens and waiting to see if he will build a coop this year. My sweet DH is blessed with too many abilities and not enough time!
Garden season totally upon us - today it is too cold and windy to be outside (wimp , yes I am). We have many bags of soil and containers awaiting me in the side garden. Going to use everything capable of holding soil for containers this year, appears we will have a very low rainfall year so it is a good time to do containers.
Ramble much? Yes I do thank you very much. Wanted to express my gratitude for being blessed with reasonably good health at my age, working on spiritual growth and reducing physical growth so much! I have faith, a very good husband, a home I love, great friends and though I see decrease in my abilities each year I am:
Taking Heart
2 Cor.4: 16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
2 Cor.4: 16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
'nuff said - I'll appreciate any menu starting ideas - just keep that liver stuff to yourself OK?
LindaSue, LindaSue, LindaSue, Rat Terriers are big dogs! Janie will be having another colorful (hopefully) batch in two months, we could deliver ya know ROAD TRIP! You could glue one on top of the other if you really need height. Do you want a puppy (no not one of mine) but I know a year old dog that has been brought up in the country he is a visala (sp?) lab mix? Can you tell I want to take a Road Trip or what.
As far as menus go. I have on occasion done menus, for the exact reasons you cite here. It isn't easy for us "pinball" wizards but sometimes you have to do the difficult and unpleasant things. (ugh, can't believe I said that) So pretend the Queen is coming to visit for a couple of weeks to get a first hand look at what a Texian's life is like. Did you know she has Corgies? oops digress. In past years I had difficulty with prescribed diets because we ate so much from our own producing and not so much from stores and even then I'm a seasonal and sale girl. But in all those cookbooks (thanks for the picture now I don't feel near so guilty about my collection) there must be some good menus, use them and food ads from your favorite store. Just do it.
Oh this pep talk I just gave is making me wonder what my lame-o excuse has been lately, I was doing well before Christmas but then got derailed by extended family messiness and ugh, depression. Time to get over it eh? Oh me oh my but I was chatty this morning sorry 'bout that.
word verification - ballpup
ballpup indeed - we do love the rat terrorists -but also like a physically large dog (not around - Conan is a fat little boy). Thank you for the offers - and we are trying to get a pup to raise with the goats so he/she won't think baby goats are appetizers or targets! Bless your heart - road trips do sound appealing don't they? Right now Texas isn't a place you'd much love - neither cold enough for ice skating nor warm enough for sun worship (so to speak of course we are not pagans just mebbe reptilian 'cause DH and I both NEED sunshine - his preferred outdoor temp range is 90-100!). Pretend the queen is coming - well those little corgies can run their stubby legs off chasing goats and long horns. One lady just wrote and suggesed I make up a list of all the meals available (by the ingredients I currently have in house) and use that as my meal bank. I might manage that - taking it under consideration. Yep time to suck it up - so to speak and behave as if I'm wearin' my big girl britches! Thanks Lanny - I feel so much better now -
Reptilian for sure, a nice hot rock to nap on! That's what is needed! Maybe I need some of those special lights over a heated rock. I agree with your DH 90-100 is just right. (providing it is dry as a bone)
LindaSue, my daughter, A Joy at Home, is most organized and plans meals in advance, shops for the ingredients in advance and actually cooks all the meals she PLANNED ! Saves loads of money too. My husband, her father, is not so easily satisfied and will cook up his own gourmet meals if need be. So, what I am taking a long time to say is planning goes out the window when it comes to appetite and he or I go the the supermarket to buy that 1 or 2 items that make for tasty but not budget keeping meals.Isn't it horrible of me to find comfort in your post about the menu situation at Buhl-a-land?
Dogs are such a personal choice and taste aren't they, and then sometimes we end up losing our hearts to the most unlikely and unsensible choice after all don't we?
So what's on the menu today?
Menu today was : eat stuff we have. The stuff was sausage gravy and cranberry cinnamon biscuits. Tonight's stuff will be leftover (from the depths of our freezer) turkey pasta and salad. Tomorrow will be -- breakfast is an on your own meal - DH likes toast or oatmeal. Lunch will be sammiches (sliced deli ham and pastrami in fridge) and supper will be -- spaghetti (or something else from depths of freezer) I'm making an effort to use up some of the bits and pieces in freezers. Thank you for the encouragement and giggles - one friend (Pam you know who you are) said rather than written out menus to do the meal bank idea I'm mentioned previously - that sounds more possible for me.
I'm also thinking chickens....weird, I know. I'm definitely not a country girl, so I don't knwo what I'm getting into. I think it sounds kinda fun, though. Oh, and good luck with the menu plans. :)
I thought I knew most of the dog breeds but Catahoulas is a new one for me...pretty colors..too bad we didn't live closer as our rescue has so many nice large dogs....alot of people just want smaller ones...the big dogs take longer to find homes...
I am like you too as far as menus go...its hit and miss in our house!
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