Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (New Living Translation)
9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken
Thank you all for being part of my triple braided cord!
Got the results letter from Solis Women's Health (doesn't that sound exotic?) "No evidence of breast cancer or other significant abnormality". WOO HOOOO! Means the lump is likely a fatty cyst lump - yeah and hooray. I thank all of you praying for me, the comfort of your prayers made a difference in my sense of calm over this issue.
On to other things
-Conan the Destroyer has had a rough time since the death of Corey -we joked she was his seeing life dog. Anything happening in our household - Conan would look to Corey first for how to react. Now he perks up for short periods (walk to the mailbox - yes yes yes, ride in truck - lemme up there) but seems at a loss about what he is supposed to be doing all day. Our BFFs arranged a playdate for their 4 month old Bassett named Buddy and our Conan. Conan was happy to have another dog around. Being somewhat small, Coney felt it important to establish his place in the pack. Yep - our little cowardly Conan is biting Buddy's big flappy lip. Buddy yelped a little but the two sniffed, growled and postured for a good long playdate. Come back any time Buddy!
The come back any time invitation was not echoed by Moe the Barn Cat - he was appalled and chose to stay in the oak tree until Buddy, his human and their vehicle were out the gates and on the highway. Then our lovely cat came down from the tree, stalking off with his tail still quite fluffed out, we think he was muttering something about indignity of it all.
I need to get dressed in outdoor, messy clothes - going to be in the 80's today and DH got holes drilled in my containers so need to cover the holes with some shade cloth (just to keep the soil from leaking out) and put rocks in the bottom of each. Definitely time to get seeds in containers - my seedlings in the house are only doing So So -
The PakChoy are getting their first real leaves (not just the little tiny first leaves coming from a seed) and the tomato starts are also almost ready for real leaves. I may have to share some plant starts, I have a suspicion I over estimated what can go in my intensive garden system . BUT - seeds are cheaper than plants so will keep on starting stuff - I have enough seed left from last garden to start the squash and mesclun salad. I do love gardening - remind me of that statement when it is 105 degrees this summer and I have to water twice a day!
I have an ad from the local free newspaper, chicks are in at the feed store - now I need to find out whether we are serious about doing this chicken coop thing. DH might not be so inclined today - he is working hard putting our business sign up by the front gates. But que sera sera- I'm headed outside!
Update - I have never done the "give up something for Lent" thing , I was raised in a Southern fundamentalist household and generally haven't had emphasis on the Lenten season as a big part of my faith walk. While reading scripture and blogs - I think it is more than reasonable to make a sacrifice (admittedly very small but more significant to an obsessed eater like me than you realize). So I'm giving up candy - not refilling our "sugar fix" drawer in the kitchen. I think it is a good choice for two reasons - I believe it is something I will carry through to completion (not a huge thing like give up coffee and in a week be so miserably nasty I fail and hate myself for failure but this sentence is WAY TMI). Second reason - DH and I both need to regain control of our diets and health - taking care of the body given to us is honoring our Creator. OK I just wanted to make this official by putting it in writing - that whole accountability thing.