Grab your kleenex, diet coke and a comfy seat:
100. I've been divorced, widowed and married (not in that order)
99. Proud cum laude graduate of Humboldt State University - B.A. degree in Psychology
98. Miss Sierra Blanca 1966.
97. Was sitting in the library of Ruidoso High School when I heard that JFK had been assassinated.
96. Salutatorian of the Class of '66 - literally gave my speech, got my diploma and left town the night I graduated.
95. My first car was a '65 Comet Caliente.
94. Favorite pet as a child, our Toy Fox Terrier named Tiny Sue Lin.
93. Love various shades of purple but mostly dress in black or red.
92. Fight against a tendency to be paralyzed by fear of failure. I fight by failing a lot but getting back up afterward. It works - causes a lot of bruises but it works.
91. My Dad was in the US Air Force, we moved a lot during my childhood.
90. Costco versus Sam's - totally Costco.
89. Birkenstocks versus Crocs - yeah Crocs - washable and cheap!
88. I've lived in Florida, Kansas, Idaho, California, Texas, Colorado, Vermont, Illinois, and New Mexico.
87. Diet Coke Zero - carbonated beverage preference.
86. Iced Luzianne Tea for general cold beverage.
85. Black coffee at home, coffee with cream in restaurants.
84. Can't stand to eat okra, sweetbreads, or liver.
83. Dogs or cats? Both - if forced to choose, probably a dog since DH prefers canine to feline.
82. I have scars on my left palm from a severe burn sustained when I was about 3 years old. Embarrassed me during elementary school years - kids said I had worms in my skin. Grateful for total use of the hand, docs told parents I'd have nerve damage - no sign of it in over 57 years!
81. Classical or pop music- definitely classical.
80. Emergent, evangelical, charismatic or mainline protestant? hate labels for being a follower of Christ - have begun to put that in religious preference - Follower of Jesus Christ.
79. Reading - love it - bookstore - Mardel's. Thrilling to find good books so cheap ( I prefer real books not paperbacks).
78. Favorite authors - primarily Christian thriller or legal stories , Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker,Randy Alcorn, Randy Singer and Alton Gansky.
77. If I could only have one book - Bible.
76. If time and/or money were not barriers I would love to travel in Australia and New Zealand. Would want to explore coast line and the vast variety of sub climates.
75. I own 137 cookbooks.
74. Least favorite body part - stomach (as in belly not internal digestive parts).
73. Favorite body part - ankles.
72. TV shows NCIS, Survivor, Amazing Race, Dancing with the Stars, news , So You Think You Can Dance? !
71. Traveled in 4 foreign countries on two continents.
70. DH and I sponsor two boys in Bangladesh through Compassion International - best thing we do! They are named Elius and Bipul.
69. Despite a painful and long time period I was frantically pursuing pregnancy, never had children and I trust God's plan for me in that.
68. I understand there is genuine artistry behind hip hop and rap - not a fan.
67. People I learned to appreciate as I've aged, Johnny Cash, my Mama, Adrian Rogers, The Gaithers, real cowboys and anyone who is kind to me.
66. Least attractive celebrities to me - Madonna and Tom Cruise. I don't even consider those sad young women referred to on Fox as "pop tarts".
65. Favorite movies, The Princess Bride, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Independence Day, Men In Black, Sleepless in Seattle, Terminator, Night at the Museum (in memory of my friend Ellie)-this list always changes - at one time I'd have said Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein by Mel Brooks - just not there right now. Oh and the Bourne movies series - lotsa action.
64.Don't mind being alone much of the time, it is how I've lived and I'm used to it.
63. I deeply appreciate and have affection for different kinds of people, find them endlessly interesting but I'm not a good woman friend. I don't "do lunch", shop for amusement,don't like to chat endlessly about my personal problems ( or things I seem to think are problems) or exchange very personal tidbits (can you tell?)
62. I most admire people who don't make a big fuss over their pain - everyone has pain whether physical or emotional. Wearing pain so everyone has to see it doesn't make it better. I often remind myself of this - because it is easy to slip into doing it.
61. The best dog I've ever had was a mutt - cocker and Lhasa apso mix named Mr. Smiley Dog. His ashes are buried with my late husband. No offense intended to my current duo of canine companions - they are different dogs and this is a different time in my life.
60. I was convinced that my DH is one of the kindest people I'll ever know when he drove 120 mile round trip to take my dog to be cremated. Many people might have done that for medical treatment but once the dog was dead he drove him to a nearby town in a heavy snowstorm so I could take Smiley's ashes back to Texas with me.
59. What did I think I'd be when I grew up? A lot smarter than I am and I truly thought I'd have a bunch of kids and live on or near a college campus (first husband was a professor).
58. I accepted Christ as my savior when I was about 7 years old. I did not make Him Lord of my life until the past decade.
57. What do I most regret in my life? I have so much to regret but have begun to accept when the Lord puts it as far away as the east from the west - I don't need to dwell on things.
56. Favorite cereal - Kashi Heart to Heart .
55. Best location described in the Bible - Revelation 22: 1-5 (Msg paraphrase) I love that the Tree of Life will have leaves that are for the healing of the nations.
54. Worst advice from a wife in the Bible was from Job's wife "curse God and die". Her attitude isn't supportive is it?
53. Best time of day - early morning - very early.
52. Favorite flowers - roses - not the florist kind but the growing kinds. Roses are closely followed by lilacs - in Vermont there were hedges at least 20 feet tall of lilacs - when they bloomed it was a fragrance beyond description. Lilacs don't really do well here - so I substitute crepe myrtles and lilies - but nothing smells like springtime lilacs.
51. Worst subject in high school - algebra.
50. First computer - a radio shack thing my husband put together for us - with the two floppy disks so you could have the operating system on one disk and run programs with the other.
49. Praise heavens I'm half way through this! See - I'm easily thrilled.
48. Best thing I've ever done, anonymously help people - love to be God's hands and feet without the burden of someone knowing about it.
47. Favorite meal, steak, enchiladas, salad and a really good red wine. Creme Brulee with raspberries for dessert.
46. Biggest travel adventure - went to Costa Rica alone for a vacation (it was a tour thing but only one couple in the group and we definitely went our own ways).
45. I had my identity stolen on AOL about 12 years ago - somebody ran up hundreds of dollars in charges and I ended up having to pay about half. Harsh lesson but good one - there is no inherent evil in the world wide web - it is like living in a huge city - some good places and some places you shouldn't even drive through.
44. Favorite car I've owned so far, Mitsubishi Diamante - a V6 with a moon roof and leather seats - I love to drive that car. Not so expensive but fun and comfortable.
43. On a hot dog - the more the better - I love mustard, onions, kraut and a touch of relish.
42. The blog through which I was motivated to begin a weblog was Foodie Farm Girl - Susan combined photography with explaining about real life in a rural setting. It didn't seem to be so "techie" so I thought I could do this. Then my friend Rachel Chapman started blogging about her mission work (see side bar for Redeemed for His Glory) and I was hooked.
41. I attended Colorado State University in Fort Collins, The University of Vermont in Burlington, and graduated from Humboldt State University with my BA. Then got a teaching certification from University of Texas Permian Basin (called UTPB). Big whoop huh?
40. I have a college degree, am a notary, real estate broker, have had a NASDAQ license (no longer), have had an insurance license and a teaching certification in secondary level social sciences. Big whoop again.
39. Hardest habit to break - using "colorful" language. It was easier to quit smoking than to quit saying things I knew I shouldn't. Yes I quit smoking almost twenty years ago after doing it for 20 years - cold turkey - quit smoking by not putting them in your mouth or lighting them - simple enough?
38. My sister in law is the best crafter I have ever known - she can make anything with a hot glue gun, beads and feathers and silver. Sort of the MacGyver of crafting!
37. My brother knows trivia - when the Trivia board game was popular he was absolutely the best partner for a killer team. He has a Master's in history so made a career out of knowing when and who and where. I used to wish he'd go on Jeopardy and have a blast!
36. I've met Rock Hudson, Ruby Keeler, Jack Gilford, Patsy Kelly, Max Lucado, and Robert Duvall (he was not a good experience) . I don't think the few who are still alive would remember me.
35. My brother was an only son who has one son, who has one son, who has a ----daughter.
34. DH used to work for a company that transferred personnel a lot - between the two of us we've owned 23 homes!
33. I prefer to use the name Linda Sue (it is my real name) but rarely does anyone actually say my full name - hey you, yo mama, baby, sweetie, and Linda are aliases to which I'll reply.
32. DH and I spent two wonderful weeks in Germany visiting friends near Frankfurt - what a gift that time was for us. All the cliches about Germans and their cleanliness,promptness and loving a good party - true and fabulous!
31. I love being a Texan - it is irritating to a lot of people that some of us feel a unique spirit in Texans - incredible diversity and usually an attitude of "sure we can do that". Of course there are fabulous people all over the globe - being a Texan is part of MY identity and it is fun.
30. Greatest fear - dying without making a difference for the good of someone's soul, comforting someone else since I've been comforted so much by God - slogan on DH's computer is "God does not comfort us to make us comfortable but to make us comforters". A version of pass it forward. Less dramatic fear - claustrophic - do NOT like tight places.
29. Greatest guilty pleasure - a chance to lie in the sun and do absolutely nothing.
28. I have never gone to a single reunion of high school or college and I don't recall any real famiy reunions.
27. Accountability for exericse - - pedometer website.
26. Hair color - without color it would be mostly grey but hasn't been "natural" for so long - who knows? I'll continue to color it until I mature enough not to have that one tiny vanity or it falls out. I used to answer the question "is your hair naturally blonde?" "yes - I'm from Texas - I'm over 50 so naturally I'm blonde".
25. I'm a good baker and cook. Not fancy any more - DH and his mother are not fans of elaborate cuisine - but cooking is a skill - I'm not over endowed with skills so wanted to list this one.
24. Sports - not a huge fan - like to watch football with DH, occasionally follow some golfers and live sports are fun.
23. No cable or satellite tv in our house - we quit years ago and don't miss it at all.
22. Best sandwich in the world - turkey on whole wheat, mayo, leaf lettuce, cranberry sauce and very thin slices of sweet onion. IMHO
21. Biggest surprise about getting older - it isn't all that bad - everything takes longer to heal, digest or complete - but age has it's advantages.
20. OK I'm SOOO running out of things I'm willing to post here - my reticence in revealing too much is also coupled with the fact that I don't think talking about my life is quite the pinnacle of blog journalism.
19. Church - prefer contemporary worship but occasionally would like to have a liturgical traditional service again.
18. Best surprises - not ever surprise parties but I do love getting a personal note or small gift for any reason or NO reason at all.
17. Most fun person who worked with me - probably Heather E. She is still a friend and has great faith and skills. or Mad Skillz per BooMama nomenclature.
16. First thing in the morning, I make coffee then after emails and devotionals I check a list of blogs - every morning - well except Sunday - we go to 8:30 am services so read our scriptures on Saturday am so we don't get behind.
15. My Dad was born and raised in Wyoming. His family lived in a log cabin - literally - with dirt floors. Their land was on the Little Big Horn River (yep - General Custer's final stomping grounds).
14. My Mom was born in Oklahoma but raised in the area of Cleburne, Texas.
13. Least favorite household chore - cleaning! I love to do laundry and cook but aaargh I hate the basics of vacuuming, washing floors, washing windows - that kind of thing. I pick up so it isn't cluttered, and when I do clean - it is a manic event with me tearing up everything and scrubbing behind under and over it all!
12. Favorite Holiday - Easter - I love the springtime and full religious significance of the resurrection of the Savior. We sometimes have as many as 45 people here for a buffet brunch and enormous egg hunt in the pastures. Then DH finds plastic eggs all summer by hitting them with a mower!
11. Hymn - How Great Thou Art - I remember hearing it when I was a child - sung by George Beverly Shea in a stadium in California at a Billy Graham rally. I don't recall many specific events in my childhood - it is mostly a pleasant general memory -but I recall that music so specifically.
10. Home Stretch now - jobs I've had - worked at a Dairy Queen, an ice cream shoppe, baby sat for a jockey and his horse trainer wife, worked at the college newspaper office doing layouts, worked in a college transcript office, worked in a medical clinic in records, intake clerk in an emergency room, secondary level school teacher, college bookstore textbook clerk, cook and server for a catering company, sales rep for an office furniture company,veterinary assistant,photography studio manager (worst job I had) real estate agent and broker, cook and kitchen coordinator for a church! Ta Da! Lots of jobs in lots of cities across the country - following husbands and heart and family.
9. People I most want to meet in heaven - in addition to my family of course - Ruth Graham Bell, Esther, Abel, Job, Rahab - I'm sure once we're there the list will change because there will be people we never heard of nor dreamt - but for now that is my list.
8. Biggest lie I tell myself - that I am doing the best I can all the time.
7. Love zoos - zoos and aquariums. That would be a great world tour - go to all the great zoos and aquariums of the world!
6. Used to have 5 aquariums largest was 125 gallons and smallest was 20 gallons. All fresh water with live plants. I was in an Aquarium Society in West Texas.
5. I like online better (usually) than in person because I can edit what I say - don't have a functioning delete button in my brain when I'm IRL.
4. Biggest peeve --smoking - hate the smell so much it makes me ill. Embarrassed that I smelled like that for almost 20 years!
3. Don't like confrontation -have just edited out 5 different explanations and figured - I'll just leave it alone,I don't like it.
2. Blogging gives me a chance to connect with people in a unique way - people all over the world. I like that - although far from a "one world" person politically - I have always had a strong interest in how people live - and deeply know that we are all just people.
Number one - numero uno - the final thing in this far too involved with myself task. TA DA!
For those who haven't seen me- I begrudgingly post this picture taken about two weeks ago! I'm waving at y'all - I really do love having you visit me a

If you've read all this - God bless you and I'm not writing anything personal again.
Oh, I just love your post! Isn't this little bloggy world of ours wonderful. I wonder if we would have ever met without it? Thanks for sharing all about your interesting life. Yes, it is hard to talk about ourselves, but I am so glad you shared. I feel like I know you better already!
I've only made it half way through but I'll be back to finish it up.
Max Lucado! My kids love to read about Hermie and Wormie! Great books!
Wow! I'm impressed. It was fun to learn all those things about you. I don't think I could do that, because I'm a very private person, too. Loved the photo at the end.
Thank you for sharing. You really are a versatile person!
You are a delightful lady! I enjoyed everything you wrote and can certainly tell that we love the same Lord! Blessings to you and your family!
Brandi - thank you for stopping by - would be funny if we had met in real life wouldn't it? Beth- Max Lucado was absolutely the nicest person and we read his devotionals every morning.
Abbie - I edited a LOT. Tried to protect both the innocent and many of the guilty parties!
Margaret - it never seems like much until I try to write it down.
GrandmaT - thanks - the Lord is good to us all, we just don't acknowledge it often enough.
SIL and Brother - you didn't leave a comment but your email was far too flattering!
Thank you all for taking the time - come back often I'll try to have some nice pictures up soon.
Been very busy, but decided to check on you, and...I was thrilled to see you posted your 100 things! My favorite was definitely number one!!! You are cute as can be, and I just want to come and hug your neck!
I love reading your blog and having you as one of my readers. You always give such great perspective on things. :)
(My family and I will be there for Easter...sounds like fun!)
Whew! I feel like I know you better than some of my own family now! I've been "lurking"(hate that word) for a while, but I had to write on this one. Thanks for sharing your testimony- I too accepted Jesus at 7 years old, but I didn't surrender my life to him until about 10 years ago. Thanks for the photo, too... God Bless!
Whew, what a post. I found your blog threw Pioneer Woman. I, too, live in a rural setting. Love the rural life. I'll be coming back to your blog. Have you read G.K. Chesterton? He wrote a long time ago, but has a Father Brown mystery series that I really enjoy.~~Dee
I think you did pretty good. I could not think of 100 things. I love Farmgirl too. Besides my dil, she was the first blogger I was addicted to. Seeya later.
OK I'm about to post something else - enough of this 100 things about me thing - I love it that so many of you left me a message - Pam I look forward to the beautifully decorated cake you'll bring for the Easter party?! Farm Chick - I wish I'd gotten smart sooner but apparently this is the time the Lord had planned for me to be useful.
Dee - Thank you for the book suggestions - haven't read those and with MIL such an avid reader I have a challenge keeping something in the house for us both.
Beverly -Susan (aka FarmGirl) is such a joy - she can make all that cold, hard often heart breaking work of actually working a farm, raising sheep etc sound fun!
You all will laugh - I'm now re activating my FaceBook account so I can stay in touch with some of our younger church friends - you'd think I didn't have anything else to do right? Bless you and stay warm or dry whichever is happening in your part of the world right now!
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