Trying to keep blogging although I still have trouble finding something worthy to say - last day of November 2009 - we had turkey vegetable soup from final chunk of Thanksgiving turkey breast .
Last week we waved a fond and rewarding farewell to 13 of our goats - 2 more to be sold this week. Will have at least 9 or 10 new kids in January or February. We are deliberately trying to keep the herd much smaller. Market isn't that good and we are needing to cut back on expenses (hay round bales are currently $60)
Freeze warning for this week so I cut all the remaining peace rose blossoms - can you believe it - this bowl of fragrant flowers on November 30!?

Next is a picture of my beloved DH - working in his shop to install a new (larger) pet door for our barn cat Moe. The sparks were pretty impressive - Moe didn't stick around for this part.

On the walking website I use Walker Tracker- I participated in a challenge - the reward of the challenge was for each ranking (from least steps to most steps walked during a specific time) to send a home made craft, art work or baked item to the person finishing ahead of you. I was blessed with this nifty knitted dishcloth from a walking pal in Norway! You can see the pattern of a goat's head knit into the cloth. Pretty cool huh?

Next is a picture of my beloved DH - working in his shop to install a new (larger) pet door for our barn cat Moe. The sparks were pretty impressive - Moe didn't stick around for this part.
So that's it - from soup to nuts - or goats to grinders! It is good on Buhlaland - God has blessed us with a beautiful place and the sense to enjoy it! Hope it is good where you are too.
"Worry doesn't empty tomorrow of it's sorrows, it empties today of it's strength." Corrie Ten Boom
Don't worry - be healthy!