Authentic Compassion

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sure signs of spring

Wild plum blossoms - so fragrant you can smell them a football field length away.

Attidude develops in sweet little goat kids - they'll give the photographer a big razzberry!

Grass is much greener over the septic leach field - and lovely little deer check out the tender grasses available.

Hyacinths - blooming right after a spring rain - no fragrance quite like it.
Even the silliest kid looks almost wise and contemplative in his sleep. Worn out by the excitement of just being alive on a spring day.

Clouds appear on the western horizon - sometimes bringing rain and sometimes just thunder and dramatic skies.

It is springtime on Buhlaland - a time when we are reminded of our Creator through His creations - so until we get to Fly Away
- we are able to enjoy spring and it is good on Buhlaland.


Debbie said...

Wonderful signs of Spring. Sweet little deer, we have lots around here. We're waiting to get rain this morning. Someone said snow, but it's been too warm. We have had some warm temps and this is a short cool spell. Pretty sky pic. Have a great weekend! Debbie

slsommer said...

Love all the px -- but especially the clouds!

Lanny said...

Ya know, sometimes it is so beautiful down here on God's creation that I can't imagine leaving, but then I remember that I will be flying away to Him, the source of all created things and then....